As a member, all of your funds go directly into creating a positive impact. Funds are distributed across maintaining and expanding our outreach programs, taking care of our animals, developing our land and delivering therapy programs.

As a token of appreciation all members will receive discounts on any items purchased through the shop, discount on other programs including the horsemanship courses.

Please select your membership type below. Plans can be cancelled at anytime by contacting

Benefits of Membership

  • Access to the Range for Personal Practice (Subject to opening times) 
  • Access to Archery Ascension Mentors 
  • Free Archery Sessions: Torbakesh (level 2), Putakesh (level 3)
  • Receive additional Membership with Tradition Archery Australia. This gives you access to compete in Traditional Archery Competitions across Australia
  • Discounts on Programs and Courses
  • Discounts on Equipment 
  • Invitations to membership events

Family Membership

Family Membership is valid for a group of family members living in the same residential address 

Adult Membership

Adult Membership is valid for anyone over the age of 18 years 

Concession Membership

Concession Membership is valid for anyone eligible for concession ID including Health Care Card Holders, Students, Senior Citizens 

Please Get in Touch

We'd love to hear from you!